Sunday 5 December 2010

Legends and Myths Project

I have chosen 'Death' as my theme. My initial inspiration came from Carlos Castaneda books. I was reading them intensily in college era and even started to practice tensegrity myself. It was very unusual, magical and cool thing to do. What I liked about the idea of 'death' in Castaneda's stories was that it was making me familiar with this subject in a deep, profound and calm way. It was like domesticating me to the inevitable fate. The ancient Mexicans belived the death is their lifelong companion who seats on their left shoulder throughout their existance on earth. It is like the best advisor one could have in any difficult time of decision. It is bringing significance to every minute of once life. It shows the importance of human life and all our deeds. 'Death' here isn't something one should fear or run away from into ignorance and impermanent obssesions as many people do these days. The looks, youth and prettyness fixations are fulled by mass media, finding a fertile ground of our vanity. And the cold fact catches us soon or later. People who have lived through death of their close ones gain a powerful insight into sens of life. In a way they appreciate life for there is death. I belive that our Western culture would gain tremendous power if it would recognise its mortality.
The visual inspiration came from Jose Posada. He was a Mexican printmaker/illustrator and in the mexican spirit was a creator of Calaveras.

The representation of people as a 'walking sceletons' was the most natural thing for Mexicans and it still is. In the spirit of medival 'Danse Macabre' the extremely emaciated visitor to kings, peasants and bishops was a reminder of transience.

My idea is to create contemporary fashion Calaveras. I want to use the irony and satire of Posada illustrations to promote impermanance of fashion trends, beauty and showiness or so I belive.

These are my skull sketches.

Now let us see if I'll succed. I wanted first to use monoprint or/and colography but now I'm inclined to photoetching or screenprint. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Can you use stone to create print texture?
    Old stone cut into like a grave
    I dont know - you are the expert these days
    What about bone itself?
    or ashes of a fire
    dust to dust
    ? these are things that have a quality of death for me i think

    i like your work
